About the project

Lithuanian, Polish, Russian Federation Kaliningrad Oblast project „Lazdijų rajono ir Punsko valsčiaus savivaldybių kultūrinio bendradarbiavimo ir turizmo plėtra“ (Lazdijai district and Punsk region municipalities cultural cooperation and tourism development) is supported by neighbouring programme INTERREG IIIA. Public institution Lazdijų kultūros centras (Lazdijai Cultural Centre) is the major project partner. Financial partner of the project is Punsk Lithuanian Cultural House, partners are Lazdijai district museum and Seinai Cultural House.

During the project there will be organised 8 common international cultural events in Lazdijai region municipality and 4 common international cultural events in Punsk region municipality territory. By this project there will be achieved a significant cultural integration of both parts. Implementing the project a mobile stage was bought, which partly will eliminate seasonal problems and will allow more economically and efficiently organise cultural events, as well as a modern sound equipment.

The project is financed by compensation principle. INTERREG IIIA programme will compensate 75 % of expenses. During the project implementation period, doing planned cultural activities, there will be prepared a report with documentation INTERREG IIIA for the United Technical Secreatariat under the Ministry of Interior and a compensation will be received. Lazdijai district municipality committed themselves by the Lazdijai district municipality council decision Nr. 5TS-844 to give 25 % for the project co-financing.

Total budget of the projet is 328.589 EUR. The sum which will be mostly covered by the programme is 246.442 EUR. A part of the project is given to the activities of Punsk Lithuanian Cultural House of the Republic of Poland is 36.472 EUR. The sum of 209.970 EUR will be given to cover the activities of Public Institution „Lazdijų kultūros centras“. Punsk region committed to co-finance the project by 12 250 EUR. Lazdijai district municipality gave 69 990 EUR to co-finance the project.

The project was started to be implemented on February 1st, 2006. The end of the project is December 31st, 2007.

Carrying out this project, new contacts were established between Lithuanian and Polish art collectives and the people who provide tourism service. Gained experience will be used in preparing and managing cultural projects in the Republics of Lithuania and Poland.