Krosna leisure time hall folk music band „Susiedai“

Leader: Jovita Vilkauskienė

In 2004, Krosna leisure time hall leader Jovita Vilkauskienė invited country musicians to the first rehearsal. In this way a united folk music band „Susiedai“ was created. Already in the first years of the band existing, its members tried to achieve best results and all the time used to entertain Krosna and neighbouring communities.

In 2005-2006 Krosna folk music band „Susiedai“ participated in our district, Alytus county and Republican events, also they were invited to give concerts to the Republic of Poland.

In 2007 the band also participated actively in various concerts, festivals, contests: Alytus county folk music festival „Ei, dzūkeliai, uždainuokim“, Mushroom festival in Varėna, Lazdijai district folkmusic bands festival-contest „Netgi vakaruškos“, 34th Dzūkija region country musician festival-contest in Luksnėnai, where the band received the Best Dzūkija Region Singer’s and Storyteller’s Titles.

Preparation for the Lithuanian song festival „Būties ratu“ and participation there united all the band „Susiedai“ members and helped to gain experience as well as encouraged to work more actively.